Payment options

Direct Debit

Rent can be paid by direct debit, either weekly on Mondays or Fridays, or monthly on 1st, 10th, 16th or 28th of each month.

Allpay Card

Using Allpay gives you a variety of ways to pay including:

  • Online by clicking here;
  • An App
  • At the Post Office;
  • At any Paypoint outlet; or
  • By calling the automated line on 0330 041 6497

Applications for an Allpay card can be made by contacting the Lincs Rural office or by completing the form below.

Fill in this form to request an Allpay card

Fill in this form to request an Allpay card


Standing Order / Internet Banking

Please contact the office for the Associations bank details and your reference number.


Cheques should be payable to 'Lincs Rural Housing Association' and please remember to put the account reference or address on the back.


Rent can be paid by cash at the Lincs Rural Office but please do not send cash through the post.

Housing Benefit

Please ask for Housing Benefit to be paid directly the Association.

Request a call back